5 Places to work remotely and enjoy your vacation
In the era of remote work, the idea of combining work and vacations has become an exquisite opportunity. This concept, known as “workation,” allows professionals to maintain their work productivity while exploring new destinations around the world. (more…)

What is ChatGPT used for?
It’s already a fact that artificial intelligence is capable of many things, from providing information of all kinds to creating analyses and content as needed. To understand a bit more about what it’s all about, we asked ChatGPT what it’s really for. This was its response: (more…)

After work in Coworkidea
Is there anything more pleasurable than ending the workday having everything checked off your TO DO list? Yes, get out of Coworkidea and let it still be daylight. This gift that summer gives us allows us to enjoy the sun and return home having done much more than what the list of things to do indicated. (more…)

Friendly reminder: Rural coworkings
If you are a digital nomad, you probably know what the need for change and the adrenaline of adapting to new places are all about. Having the need to constantly meet people, to generate contacts or simply exchange a chat with people who barely speak your language in a coworking office. Those are the most common symptoms to detect a digital nomad 🙂 (more…)

Return to home at Christmas and have to work
Although returning home on vacation is always a good plan, the Christmas holidays are long… and surely there is teleworking to do. It may be that having to combine the work schedule is somewhat cumbersome, which is why in this article we will give you some tips to take into account when working from your parents’ house. (more…)

Why choose Barcelona to live?
What does Barcelona have that many people from other countries choose it as their home? Why do they choose it?
Is it because its climate allows you to gracefully enjoy the four seasons? Is it because it has sea and mountains?
We want to know everything and that is why we asked our Happeners who come from other parts of the world why they decided to live and enjoy Barcelona.

Terraces a few steps from Coworkidea
It is always a good idea to relax the week with a beer, in good company, And if it is at a “stone’s throw” from the place where you work even better.
If you are one of our Happeners, here we have a bunch of suggestions for you. If you are not we would love you to join us and share our afterworks in the terraces closest to Coworkidea.

7 things you didn’t know about Coworkidea
- Coworkidea was born almost 9 years ago
When we launched the Coworkidea project, the “coworking” concept was just beginning to resonate; this idea that spoke to us of a new work philosophy was still quite unknown, specially in Spain. Who was going to tell us that coworking had come to stay, settle and grow in the way it has. We live all this process from the beginning; we opened a small coworking for about 20 people with doubts and uncertainty during all the first year and a half. The following three years the community grew and settled until we could grow and open the second space, already a little bigger, in the same building.

The Truth of Smartworking in the Times of the Coronavirus
The so-called smartwork is back in fashion, but this time the fashion is imposed by the coronavirus, not by a change in the workplace’s paradigm, which is why this concept was born. For this reason, the current meaning of smartworking is far from his origin.

10 hotels in Barcelona center at 5 minutes walking from Coworkidea
Barcelona is the city with the largest quantity of tourists throughout the year, but there are also many people who visit the city for work reasons.
That is why Barcelona has become one of the favorite destinations for freelancers from anywhere in the world. Technology, new work models and the desire of travelling
around the world improve the phenomenon of digital nomads.
For this new way of working, the only indispensable is a table, a good internet connection and a place to sleep.
Our coworking, located in the center of Barcelona, is surrounded by hotels that you will reach in less than 5 minutes walking. So they are a good option to stay until you find your definitive place in the city or if you are here for a business trip.

Work-life balance: tips for getting better
Work-life balance is one of the most important challenges of our day to day, the most important one facing today’s society. We have a working model in which working days are endless, with a thousand things to do and which sometimes causes us to neglect and lose sight of what is really important.

Coliving: A step further into coworking
As we now see, the collaborative economy is what is driving the world to another light, and Coworking spaces are the cradle for its implementation. But if you want to know where this new working model is heading, we invite you to know what is Coliving, a step further into Coworking. (more…)

Quick guide to become a freelancer or what is known as autónomo in Spain
Today in our coworking something happened that for sure happens regularly within the rest of the coworking spaces in Spain. A workmate, new to the freelancer life, came to us asking for advice about where he has to go to register as self employed. (more…)

The meaning of procrastination and it’s relation with freelancers
You might often hear people or even your boss saying to you “You’re procrastinating this issue” maybe you know what they mean or maybe you simply have no idea of the significance of the simple word “procrastinating”. Anyway we’re gonna help you to understand why it’s important for a freelancer to be aware of the danger of procrastination. To be honest even the word is just too difficult to pronounce for us. (more…)

Ideal recipes for your weekly tuppers
Do you belong to the tupper club and you don’t find the way to organize yourself every week? This post is exactly what you need t solve this issue once and for all. We give you some tips to plan your tupper and some easy,healthy and delicious recipes.

Finding your muse in the Raval Neighborhood
Few years ago the Raval was a neighborhood with almost no tourism, described by some as dismal and unattractive. However, its reputation has achieve an important turnaround in recent years, and it has become a focal point of the artistic and design community in Barcelona.

Real estate and the coworking space boom
What? There is now a connection between real estate and coworking? Yes, a few years ago some real estate multinationals have begun to invest heavily on coworking and shared workspaces. The big fishes of this new combination of business are Regus, Lexington, WeWork, Utopicus, Spaces … among others.
The trend is growing and what was initially a philosophy of collaboration and synergies, seems to be becoming something totally corporate, focused on companies and not both individuals or the community.

City games coworkers
At Coworkidea we have a wide diversity of professional profiles and the city games sector is one of them, and very interesting byy the way. Today we want to introduce you Alex and Anna, they both work in this field and they have amazing stories. Here you have their interview answers to get to know what they do a bit better:

What to do this May in Barcelona?
What can I do this month in Barcelona? Which option from all of these events suggestions I receive every day should I trust and go? How can I know if they are worth to go and to pay? It seems impossible to have these doubts constantly while living in…. BARCELONA, right? The excess cultural and events offered in the city has created a new modern need: to have things organized by priorities and by quality, so we don’t fall into the chaos. Cause let’s be honest, to improvise sometimes is cool, but to be waiting every day for the funny improvized plan doesn’t look like the ideal situation. We’ve done a list of the must-go events of this month. We hope it might help you.

Happener of the month
The happener of this month is Will, a lovely American from Richmond (Virginia) who has been in our space for some months already. He describes himself as a writer of ballads to explain those things better left unexplained and chaser of dreams. We’ve interviewed him to know more about his background.

Forget about working from home and in pajamas!
Have you already fallen into the trap and you’ve become an official freelancer? Well, it can look something very complicated, especially for the auto-routines and flexible schedules working at home which can lead you to have not very healthy habits. The loneliness is something very common within freelancers who work from home and it does not affect just to their self-esteem but it also takes part in their social and personal relationships.

Stop working alone on your pyjamas!
Have you already fallen into the trap and you’ve become an official freelancer? Well, it can look something very complicated, especially for the auto-routines and flexible schedules working at home which can lead you to have not very healthy habits. The loneliness is something very common within freelancers who work from home and it does not affect just to their self-esteem but it also takes part in their social and personal relationships.

When the concept of coworking goes beyond the space…
In Coworkidea we are hard workers. Our happeners work hard and you’ll realize it immediately if you come to our space, there’s always exactly the silence needed for working comfortably. But we also like to organize another kind of activities together, to interact and to enjoy in the community. And probably that is what explains the most clearly why the concept of coworking is constantly linked to the friendship, the sense of community and the fact that a coworking space goes beyond its physical space somehow. We’ve collected some of the activities we’ve done and we do in our community.

Travel & Tourism coworkers
Today we’d like to introduce some new and not so new happeners (that’s how we call our coworkers) in our community with something in common: they work for companies or owe companies related to travelling. The TravelMag team, Markus, Alyssa, and Roisin; Mauro, working for Almundo, but also Greta, Miguel, Maria and the Curiooso team. We’ve made a short interview with them so you can know our travel happeners a bit better.

WhatsApp Business is finally available
Ladies and gentlemen, WhatsApp Business is finally available, a new platform thought for companies, especially for the small and the medium-size ones, so also an ideal tool for startups and entrepreneurs. Its beta version was launched last September of the previous year and since then we didn’t hear anything else. This week the app is finally available on Google Play, and the version has been created for those users who want to be better connected to their business and to have a better and more direct communication with their clients (without downloading anything).

10 habits to have a healthy brain
After holidays, enjoying and eating so much, you might have some 2018 goals you’d like to implement. Within the most common goals, we’d probably find eating healthier to look well on Summer, to quit smoking, to rest importance to the negative things in life or to improve our working situation. It is true that in the current modern life (and probably in any kind of life) it is important to take care of our organism, but there is something we often forget: to take care of our brain, a fundamental organ for the human life.

The best Barcelona startups of 2017
Barcelona has been (and still is) an important hub for the startups. This year, the Catalan capital has sit at the peak of the European startup outlook. A study of the Generalitat (the Catalan government) shows us that there are currently around 1.200 new companies in the city with a high potential growth. These numbers are placing Barcelona as the 5th European hub (referring to the number of startups).

Coworkidea with the startups
It’s been a long time since we want to speak about our bet from Coworkidea for the startups, especially for the startups in Barcelona. We think that within a collaborative environment like the one we have in our coworking space, it is very important to collaborate and hire the services of the nearby startups we have around. What we also try to do a lot in our space is to give opportunities to new projects or startups in Barcelona, helping them and giving them special prices during the first months. Today we want to present you some of the startups in Barcelona with whom we work with.

The best TED Talks for entrepreneurs
TED Talks (technology, entertainment, design) are everyday more and more famous all around the world. Usually these conferences are speakers’ experiences told in a learning story way. The speakers expose their personal experiences in order to change attitudes, lifes and maybe in a long-term, the world (who knows!).

Web design key vocabulary
Today we want to share a very interesting post of our lovely coworker Anouk Jodry (from the company SubForce, working in our space):
I met a prospective entrepreneur recently who was about to launch his e-commerce website. He was excited but had some issues during the design period of its website. Many times he felt disarmed because he didn’t understand the vocabulary specific of the web creation and the web design.
To help clearing the jungle of those technical words, SubForce put together a guide of “web design key vocab”.

OM LINES: the touch yoga
A few months ago we had the pleasure of meeting, in an Inspiration Week of Coworkation in el Montseny, the fantastic team of OM LINES, Raquel, Palma y Jose. A couple of weeks ago, they gave a yoga open class in Coworkidea to show a bit how they work and how good they do it. We took advantage of the occasion and we made an interview with them, because we think they are very cool and they do something very interesting and beneficial.

6 programs for making presentations
Are you tired of just using PowerPoint and you need to do presentations at your work? Nowadays, to make presentations you need good content but probably the most important thing you need is a cool appearance and design, because it can help a lot. Today we propose alternative programs to the very well known PowerPoint. We’ve searched some tools that can help you design the best professional and personal offering:

Mokrin House: the real beauty of the rural coliving
Last July we had the very lucky chance to go out for a while from our Coworking space in Barcelona and be a few days at Mokrin House, probably the best Coliving space (located in the Northern Serbia) in the whole Europe. In our express trip we escaped from the fast daily routine to a bubble
salimos de nuestro coworking en Barcelona para hacer una escapada express a Serbia y trabajar desde Mokrin House, un espacio increíble de coworking y coliving, una especie de burbuja en medio de la zona rural del norte de Serbia, en un pueblo llamado Mokrin. El espacio combina un extremo buen gusto (todo cuidado hasta el último detalle), una arquitectura moderna pero sencilla con naturaleza abundante, un césped impecable, un huerto bien cuidado, árboles, flores, una piscina con agua sin refinar e incluso un jacuzzi. ¿Suena bien verdad?

Coworking space vs. Shared office
What is exactly a Coworking space?
It seems that the concept of coworking is becoming day by day more common and we are getting used to the term. But, do we really know how to distinguish this variety from other similar models of work? People tend to not see clearly what new (need a noun here) a Coworking space brings so they can’t understand the reasons for its sudden boom. In general, the concept of Coworking has a collaborative character and a will to create a nice atmosphere of cooperation and synergies.

The 22 best restaurants near Coworkidea
In Coworkidea, we love our unbeatable location in Barcelona centre, between Plaça Catalunya and Plaça Universitat. We’re next to MACBA and CCCB, with a great number and variety of culinary options around us.

The best 10 cities for digital nomads
Being or becoming a digital nomad is nowadays something very fashionable, a lifestyle that is being spread more and more within the new young generations. For the adventurers and travellers being a digital nomad during a certain period of their lifes is the perfect plan: you can travel around the world with your laptop so you have the freedom to live and work from wherever you want to. At Coworkidea we are hosting and working often with digital nomads, and so we’ve decided to make a list with the best 10 cities for digital nomads around the world (according to our happeners).

Coworkidea happy 1rst Birthday!
Hi community!
These days we are celebrating… The last 13th of October of last year we officially opened our space on the first floor, time flies! During this year more than 300 people have passed through our space leaving us great experiences, synergies, collaborative projects and friendships. We would like to thank a lot to all of you who have bet on us during all these 365 days and also to all of you who are still doing it day by day.

Supercoworker: Erin Douglas
There is a coworker or as we call in Coworkidea, a “happener” who gained specially our affection, we simply love her. Even she was part of Coworkidea’s community just for a brief time, we wanted to share this interview/conversation we had with her (she is the one on the middle, between Alex and Dee).

A brief history of the coworking concept
How many years does the coworking concept have?
Even the idea of “Coworking” seems very young and modern, the concept of co-working and of sharing the office wasn’t born yesterday. Actually, who does not speak about coworking spaces, being freelancer or digital nomad nowadays? Freelancers and entrepreneurs are not alone in these spaces anymore, every day more and more companies see the value of working in a space like this. (more…)

“The key to building a successful coworking platform is to understand your community”
SocialWorkplaces has interviewed Coworkidea 🙂 Read the interview below.
After the financial crisis, Spain was one of the countries that faced some of the highest unemployment rates in Europe. As a result, many professionals, freelancers, and business operators began to reimagine the professional landscape. In 2011, Ruth Martinez had a baby on the way and her husband had just started freelancing. In this time of change, they were exploring new options and had heard about the concept of coworking. After some time and research, they decided to start their own coworking community, Coworkidea. Next week they will be celebrating the launch of their newest space, so we caught up with Ruth to find out more about the process of developing a space in one of Europe’s coworking capitals and what it means to be a successful coworking space operator.