When the concept of coworking goes beyond the space…
In Coworkidea we are hard workers. Our happeners work hard and you’ll realize it immediately if you come to our space, there’s always exactly the silence needed for working comfortably. But we also like to organize another kind of activities together, to interact and to enjoy in the community. And probably that is what explains the most clearly why the concept of coworking is constantly linked to the friendship, the sense of community and the fact that a coworking space goes beyond its physical space somehow. We’ve collected some of the activities we’ve done and we do in our community.
Community activities
With the arrival of 2018, we are more actives than ever. Apart from the paddle tournament of Coworkidea, which started in October of 2017 and still goes on, we’ve organized: karts race, ski weekend, mountain excursions, bike excursion, escape rooms and various dinners. The Escape Room was especially a very nice experiment/challenge because we were 18 people and we had to find a place where we could all play together at the same time. Thanks to Gpoint.es we could do the activity in 4 different teams at the same time, and we had a great time!
But we also have some weekly activities in our coworking space: yoga classes twice a week thanks to our amazing coworker Greta (the teacher), but don’t imagine a relaxing type of yoga, we really work hard and sweat a lot, so we can do the relaxation at the end of the class. You also can join our basketball breaks, usually on Fridays, at the square next to Coworkidea. And don’t forget to come to the afterworks, officially once per month, but we always do it more often, so once a month we introduce new people and do networking and the rest we just hang out and have fun, with some beers in the chill-out zone of the space and then going out a bit.
Without any doubt, the paddle tournament is the most famous activity and our happeners (coworkers) live it with a lot of passion and motivation. Roger, our Venezuelan happener is probably the one who lives it with the most intensity, and we all love it, but it is also very funny to see how others feel really frustrated after being beaten by the strongest opponent. This week they’ll play the last matches before establishing the fixed couples for the playoffs. Isn’t it very professional?
We are also already planning other future activities: another escape room, concerts, a good calçotada, another bike excursion (this time will probably be from Sant Celoni until Calella or Sant Pol), a night out to try the real Napolitan pizzas with our Napolitan happener, and many other ideas we have. We hope to keep growing as a community and getting enriched with every new happener, every new project and synergy, keeping this unique energy of our lovely space 🙂