Return to home at Christmas and have to work
Although returning home on vacation is always a good plan, the Christmas holidays are long… and surely there is teleworking to do. It may be that having to combine the work schedule is somewhat cumbersome, which is why in this article we will give you some tips to take into account when working from your parents’ house.
Take note of the following list:
1- We assume that your main objective is to spend time with your family, so the first thing you have to find out is what are the plans and activities that they have scheduled so that you can organize yourself based on that.
2- We advise you to make a list of the tasks that you have to do the next day, if possible not to overload it. Sort them by priority.
3- Then, based on what your family plans to do and the list ordered by priorities, you will be able to understand more clearly how much time you have to devote to them and how much time you have to work.
4- Choose the best space in your houses. What is the best place to become your office during these days? as far as possible a comfortable and well-lit room where you can concentrate. If there are children in the house, be sure to notify your family so that they become aware and respect your working hours.
5- Do not be overwhelmed if your family organizes an improvised plan at the moment in which you had planned to work. Always return to your list of priorities and confirm that it could be postponed.
6- Do not forget to share your schedules and availability with them so that they can take this into account when organizing activities.
7- Last piece of advice and not least, make sure that the internet connection at your parents’ house is good and you don’t have any major problems.
We hope that the return home is pleasant and that you manage not only to enjoy the family but also to disconnect from the routine and be able to spend quality time with all of them.