Ideal recipes for your weekly tuppers
Do you belong to the tupper club and you don’t find the way to organize yourself every week? This post is exactly what you need t solve this issue once and for all. We give you some tips to plan your tupper and some easy,healthy and delicious recipes.
We all know that the tupper life is quiet sad, specially if you have always the same ideas or if you always do things in the last minute, the result is always a very sad tupperware. For me personally, it has always been a real challenge to prepeare nice and balanced tuppers. Let’s be realistic and start to think and visualize some decent tuppers to have a happier daily life.
“Sauté Sundays”
A classical one which seems to not work but actually it does. The problem comes when we want to cook every single meal of the week, and we want to do it in record time (in two hours usually before having dinner). We have to be more realistiics and spend the time we can on prepearing basic things which can be useful for many recipes. Some ideas of “tupper basis” are: integral rice, quinoa or any other cereal; any legume ( or prepeare some hummus for example), to cook some boiled eggs etc… (proteine basis); to cook a vegetable basis or to prepeare them (cut and clean) so you just have to cook them; to make a sauté or any tasty sauce; or any soup.
Tupper care
For a happier tupper life, it is essential to take care of our food container. It is well known that the glass ones are always better, not just because it is easier to clean them, but also quiet more sustainable. It is recommended to bring the sauces or dressings apart in another container well closed and also (something which should be obvious) to clean the tupperware right after eating it.
Monday: the good salad
Ingredients: small potatoes and green beans, green asparagus or the white ones (the ones you prefer), some lentils, raisins, radishes, some beansprouts (if you like them), all together with curcuma mayonnaise. To make your own curcuma mayonnaise you just need a small spoon of mustard, a bit of olive oil, a spoon of apple vinagar, half spoon of curcuma powder and a bit of salt. It is the only elaborated thing you will have to do in this meal, the rest, you just have to cook it all and so you’ll have it ready to put all together inside the tupper.
Tuesday: stuffed vegetables
Something very easy and delicious at the same time is to prepear any stuffed vegetable. There are thousand combinations but I like specially the aubergines stuffed with mushrooms or the zucchini filled with minced meat and vegetables. .
To make this dish a bit heavier you can add some quinoa for example. You jus have to cut the aubergine in two halfs, bake it and leave it prepeared. At the same time, during the “Saufé Sunday” you prepear some saufé of onions and garlic and also the boiled quinoa. The same day of the tupper or the night before you just have to add the mushrooms to the saufé and miix it all puting it inside the aubergine half. If you like it, you can also add some cheese on top and bake it a bit… Nom nom!
Wednesday: soup and proteine
One of the easiest things to leave done on Sundays, a good creamy vegetables soup. My favourite is probably the one made out of pumpkin, leek and onion. First of all, you have to chop the vegetables and put them in a pot with some olive oil, this is a trick to make it a bit tastier. When everything gets a bit of colour, we just have to add water until covering up the vegetables and let it boil with some salt and pepper. Once it gets soft we let it cool and later on we grind it with the blender. If you like so, you can add to the meal some Parmesan shavings right before eating it.
As a second meal, you can grill any meat or fish with some spices and sesame or soja sauce, with some legumes for example.
Thursday: the good pesto
For a happy Thursday, we suggest a top recipe. Cook yourself some integral pasta or if you dare, you can try with some vegetable strips (there is a very cheap special machine for that). The vegetable spaguethis can be out of zucchini or carrot for example. You just have to boil them 2 or 3 minutes and then prepare a good pesto sauce with basil, olive oil, garlic, parmesan and some pine nuts. If you don’t like pine nuts you can add some cashews and to make the pesto a bit more creamy you can add half avocado as well.
Personally, I also add some dry tomatoes and some nuts as the perfect topping. To make the dish a bit more complete, you can also add chicken stripes (chicken cooked with soja sauce and sesame). You can also add some vegetal proteine like tofu or tempeh.
Friday: go out a bit, please!
Here it finishes the sad tupper life. Go out and eat in a nice restaurant with your collegues and friends or with some coworkers of your community and eat something so special that you could never make a tupper of it 🙂 If you work in Coworkidea or near it, you can take a look to our post about the 22 best restaurants near Coworkidea.