Coliving: A step further into coworking
As we now see, the collaborative economy is what is driving the world to another light, and Coworking spaces are the cradle for its implementation. But if you want to know where this new working model is heading, we invite you to know what is Coliving, a step further into Coworking.
If you still do not know the term Coworking? Very briefly, this is about sharing the same workspace with people who have no professional relationship with each other, but who can be related in the same sector. Once familiar with this concept, let’s introduce the concept of Coliving or what we should call ‘The Coworking 2.0’. It is a kind of reconciliation model between work and coexistence. Beyond sharing a workspace, it is about sharing a place to live.
This modality has been implemented in the US for some years now. It comes from California and more specifically from Silicon Valley, where it was born from the need for new entrepreneurs to get a place to live. Indeed, once settled in San Francisco, entrepreneurs would find that housing is scarce, and rents are extortionate. So, seeing that problem, where workers were involved in their projects until late and their concerns multiplied their productivity, some companies began to offer, not only workspaces, but the same place to cohabit.
Talking about working in a Coworking or a Coliving is always talking about advantages and opportunities and the most relevant one is the price. Being an ‘all-in-one’ place, the costs of housing, transportation, meals, etc. are greatly reduced. It makes it cost-effective for the start of new projects and for StartUps that begin their entrepreneurial adventure. Obviously, advantages are multiplied by two because it opens the door to networking opportunities and on-site collaborations to name just a few.
In this new way of cohabiting and in this change of current professional scene, the spaces of Coliving can offer different modalities of rental contract since it can be leased for days, weeks and even months. You can also choose to have single or shared rooms and have communal areas, dining rooms, gyms, laundry, swimming pool, etc. They have everything to be proud of.
The profile of the so-called ‘Co-livers’ is usually linked to the world of new digital technologies, freelancers, entrepreneurs, designers, creatives, digital nomads and even artists. Its purpose is to create synergies to foster contacts, share projects and prosper collaboratively living to the fullest in all its aspects. In other words, it is about young people, passionate about their work that, beyond seeking success and prosperity, seek rather “experiences” in which to develop and enjoy.
That is why it is not uncommon to find areas with chill-out areas, table football, courts, areas for performances, exhibitions … where the community is encouraged to actively participate in sports as well as artistic, cultural or educational events. More precisely, it aims at generating motivation, self-esteem and even personal growth.
The coliving houses or spaces, although they come from the United States, expanded in exotic places such as Brazil, Bali, Thailand or Morocco and in more cosmopolitan areas such as London or New York among others.
Coliving / Coworking ‘Canggu Bali’. Bali.
In Spain, its implementation is slow since its beginning in 2015. However, it has developed much more in sunny coastal places, such as the Canary Islands in Hub Fuerteventura, The Surf Office, Veintiocho y medio or in the Balearic Islands like in SunnyOffice (there is also one in Sitges, Barcelona) and in Andalucia. Also, in its most ecological aspect, we find Nectar Coliving, between the mountains in Catalunya and Sende, in the interior of Galicia. Finally, in Madrid we have Roam.
Colivings are fascinating and they will slowly but surely implant, because there is a growing need of this style of work. And it is becoming a whole Lifestyle or way of life, which brings clear benefits for both collective progress and sustainability.
Come and visit us if you have not yet tried to work in a Coworking! We invite you the three first days in our workspace Coworkidea 😉