Friendly reminder: Rural coworkings
If you are a digital nomad, you probably know what the need for change and the adrenaline of adapting to new places are all about. Having the need to constantly meet people, to generate contacts or simply exchange a chat with people who barely speak your language in a coworking office. Those are the most common symptoms to detect a digital nomad 🙂
The truth is that sometimes this need to look for new places all the time does not allow us to see all the possible options. It is correct to believe that most people who work remotely choose big cities to do so. Because? It is there where most of the big companies are located and the opportunities are even more. Not only that, but the internet connection is better.
Now, some time ago we talked about rural coworkings, those that are located in small towns and far from big cities and that offer the same comforts as coworkings found in urban areas, even more.
Have you taken rural coworkings into account when choosing a new place to work from? The truth is that, along with the opportunity to be working from a place where you can’t hear the murmurs of the city in the background, and the air you breathe is much purer, there are other reasons to opt for this type of coworking.
For example, https://www.pandorahub.co/ seeks to generate “glocal” economies through innovation and entrepreneurship. Converting local strengths and challenges into professional and entrepreneurial acceleration programs co-financed with public aid and free for participants, based on themes that create social businesses, jobs and new inhabitants.
On the other hand, the Cowocat_Rural project continues to grow day by day. They offer a RURAL PASS, which allows you to work 3 days a quarter in another rural space in Catalonia, or in one of the (urban) Friendly Spaces like us. This is a clear reflection that rural coworking spaces have grown and will continue to do so as long as the synergy between coworkers continues to be generated and nurtured thanks to this type of project. As Begoña García, manager of the Interregional Consortium of Socioeconomic Initiatives, said: “The important thing about a coworking is not the physical space, but its community”
Here we leave some of them for you to know:
La Nou Coworking: Carretera de Agramunt, 22, Artesa De Segre (Lleida)
Cowork Palace: Calle de la Sort, 11 – 1st floor (Pati Palau), Seu D’urgell, La (Lleida)
La Gelidense Coworking & Cocreating: Lluís Cusó, 3, Pol. Ind. La Gelidense, Gelida (Barcelona)
Liquid Zone: Plaça 1 d’Octubre s/n, Riba-roja D’ebre (Tarragona)
Espot Cowork: Plaça Sant Martí, 5, Espot (Lleida)
You can find many more on the website https://www.cowocatrural.cat
And which one would you choose for your next work day?