Workshop: Create web content & strategies that turn visitors into clients
Are you a business lady who wants to sell your services online?
Are you stressing about creating your website content? Maybe continuously changing your copy, doubting if you have “gotten it right? Fearing that it doesn’t look professional enough?
You want your content to connect with your visitors, and have strategies in place on your website to turn them into clients.
If you don’t know how to do this, then…
Let’s do it together in this interactive and hands-on workshop.
Sign up, and I will ensure that you leave with a solid base for your content for the most important pages of your website, know the key strategies for engagement, and have clarity and confidence on what to prepare next.
The workshop will help you:
- Get clear on what an attention-catching homepage needs
- Understand what attracts your clients
- Make visitors stay on your page
- Make visitors contact you for consultations
- Know how to stay in touch with potential clients who are not ready to buy your services yet
- Know how to build trust and convey credibility
I will provide worksheets, so throughout the workshop, we will spend time on thinking, talking, writing some of the content, make decisions for your individual websites, brainstorm with the other participants, and discuss/ask questions for each of the 7 steps in the agenda (below).
Sign up! It will be fun and inspiring!
Introduction to the workshop
Round of introductions of the attendees
Step 1 – Homepage
- What makes a homepage attention-catching and attractive
Step 2 – Optin
- Optin – what it is, why we need it and how to make people want to sign up
Step 3 – Call to Actions
- CTAs – what they are, why we need it and where/when to use them
– – – – – Coffee/tea break – – – – –
Step 4 – About Page
- How to connect with your visitor on your about page
Step 5 – Work With Me Page
- How to convince visitors to take action on your work with me page
Step 6 – Testimonials
- Their purpose and what to focus on when having them written
Step 7 – Blog
- Why we need a blog and what to blog about, the purpose and the advantage
Wrap up and questions
- Option to join a website group with a schedule and accountability to help you through these steps the next weeks
Next Saturday 5th of May, from 10h to 14h at Coworkidea.
Sign up! It will be super valuable and fun!