2nd. #GeomobBCN Edition on Barcelona
Just like our first event, and like #geomob in London, the goal of this #geomobBCN will be to provide a forum to learn and exchange ideas about any interesting services and projects that deal with location. Everyone working in or curious about the location space or with location services is welcome. You absolutely do not need to be some sort of GIS expert (though GIS experts are of course welcome as well).
Our second event would not be possible without speakers, and I was delighted to have so many people volunteer. Please get in touch if you would like to speak at a future #geomobBCN.
The talks are a chance to learn, but equally important is the dialogue between the attendees, which is why I hope everyone can also stay for #geobeers – generously paid for by our sponsors: AVUXI, Localistico, Mappery, and OpenCage Data – at a nearby bar after the talks.
We will follow the time-tested #geomob format:
- doors open at 18:00
- at 18:30 we begin with a very brief introduction
- a few speakers presenting their projects. Each speaker will have slides and speak for 10-15 minutes. After each talk there will be time for 2-3 questions. The talks will be in English.
- after the talks we will head to a nearby bar for #geobeers paid for by the sponsors.
Our speakers on the 24th of April will be
- Tomaso Brezzi of Nested
- Joana Simoes presenting a personal project about finding nearby people to transact with
- Ricardo Varela of Localistico
- Jorge Ferrer García will describe some of the projects being worked on at inAtlas
- Adrienne Fanning of Sawcer
- Xavier Banque of Rokubun
All of that, and geobeers and good discussion – a good time is guaranteed.
April 24th. at 6.00h pm
Torres y Amat 21,
Metro (subway/underground lines):
Universitat L1, L2 // Catalunya L1, L3
FGC: Catalunya L6, L7, S1, S2, S5, S55
Train: RENFE Catalunya R1, R3, R4
Bus: 24, 41, 55, 59, 91, 120, H16, V13
Official Website of the event:
Open Event.